I wish I had my girl Chelz here to testify that I have some of the craziest, most ironic, unbelievable things happen to me. I mean things you only see in the movies. For real - some of the things people just wouldn't believe unless you were there to experience it with me. Im not talking of aliens and monsters, or fairys and hobbits either.
For example I won't bring up any names ('cause I know that wouldn't be right lol.) I'll use some fictious names - how about Ron and Dan. *hahaha* I crack myself up. Well I used to go out with both Ron and Dan way back when. I lost contact with Ron for a while because of a certain little situation and Dan writes me every so often through email. Ron and Dan
DO NOT I repeat
DO NOT know each other.
One night I was online one night and noticed that Dan put up and album with his sisters wedding pictures up. I opened it up and began looking through all the pictures. I was more than surprised to see someone who look more than strikingly farmiliar in the background of one of the photos. When I looked closer I could have sworn it was Ron in the background. I was almost mortified to even begin to think that they knew each other lol. I started running thorugh all the people that they could have been connected by.
I couldn't think of a soul.
I went onto Myspace and contacted Ron and he told me that they knew each other for a while (like since they were 4 years old) and they reunited. Well hell, of all people in the world: why 2 of my ex's? That's nuts lol.
I went to Borders yesturday. I bought a new book that I've been waiting to come out.

I know it's been out for a while but I finally got my hands on a copy. Im trying not to read it so fast because I know I can finish a book in a few days with no problem. I get thrown in the world of the book and don't want to leave. So Im pacing myself and only allowing myself a chapter a night :(