Feels like tonight is going to be a lonely night and that def'ly sucks

. There are some things comming up that should be celebrated but things planned for in my life are highly unusual to happen to I guess Ill blow with the wind. We'll see who remembers what. This will be interesting lol.
Okay so what a perfect time for my favorite track from Avants new album to come out. When I say perfect I mean PERFECT!!! The song is called "Lie About Us" and it's featuring Nice Scherzinger (the lead singer of the Pussy Cat Dolls).
Go Lord do I feel this song!!! He's so sexy it makes the situation seem so much better lol.
I tried to find just the audio for the song because I feel that with videos people watch more than listen. These days people sing the song and have no idea what they're singing about until someone or something prompts them to listen so with that said - LISTEN, don't just watch. I know it'll be hard *hehe* ;)
The video is okay though. I like the incorporation of the storm to add to the drama of the situation.
Im sleepy as hell!!! I need a nap but again it's waayyy too hot. It just rained a beautiful rain. The sun was out and shining bright but the rain was comming down pretty hard. It looked so nice. The sky just opened up and let loose. IT got cool for a few minutes but then quickly got humid as hell.
Damn myspace servers are down and Yahoo isn't working very well either. I can't check my mail or anything else. The world is ending *pulls hair out*
Im eating - once again and don't really have to much more to say. Maybe later I will.
Hopefully later I will.