♥ expectant .
im your girl

Name: Candise P( Candi P)
Age: 20 years old
Date of Birth: Febuary15
Horoscope Sign: Aquarius
Motherhood: Mother of 1
Residence: South Florida via NY

I'm an 80's baby. Born February 15th ((Aquarius to the fullest)). For those who wonder - I am NOT mixed with any other ethnicity. Simply and beautifully African American. New York born and bread. Now residing in South Florida. Although I'm loving the fun and sun, NOTHING beats New York.

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    ♥ Live life.
    like it's your last

    "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure"

    ♥ past .
    travel through time

    July 2006
    August 2006
    September 2006
    October 2006
    November 2006
    December 2006
    January 2007
    March 2007
    November 2007
    December 2007

    ♥ friends.
    set them free


    ♥ Outro.
    with love...

    Friday, July 28, 2006
    RIP Buggie { freed on 10:11 PM

    So Im hot as hell just looking to quench my thirst in this crazy Flawda heat when I walk into my kitchen when I see something out of the corner of my eye scurry across the floor. After I saw that I knew it couldn't be good.

    Call me whatever you want but when It comes to bugs - OMG I hate them. I really hate spiders and after I moved to Florida my bug fear jumped like 35x's. These bug are all on steriods out here. I think these palmetto bugs have the spiders beat though cause they sure can fly. **Yuk**

    So anyway ....

    Im freaking going to get this drink from the fridge and there he is standing there in front of the door like he owned the place. I was like oh hell no lol. Where is the Orkin man when I need him?!?! I wonder if they could come this late *hehe*. As soon as I saw him I screamed and ran out the room and up the stairs. (My throat still hurt - ehh hem)he was so damn huge. Giant I tell you. He had these long antenae and long spikey legs. My skin is still crawling just thinking about it.

    So I grabbed the bug spray (enforcer) and sprayed the hell out of him from about 10 feet away lol. He tried really hard to roll back over after he flipped onto his back from the impact of the spay. But a fwe minutes later he was twitching from the chemical and I was still screaming.

    He was dead finnaly but there was still one problem ....
    I had to clean that nasty critter up DAMN!!!! What a task. All I knew was that I wasn't getting anywhere near the thing.

    I was walking up the stairs to whine to my boy Les about the nasty creature on my kitchen floor.

    Only one way to get this done....

    (((Dum Dum Dum)))The vaccum cleaner!!! Ahh haa - it had to work, I just didn't want that guy to climb back out. So I went, hooked up the vaccum and went into the dining room. I couldn't be too close cause i didn't want him to fly back at me.

    After a lot of screaming and a lot of bravery ...

    Ding Dong the bug is dead !!!

    All I have to say is I hope he doesn't come back alive cause I can't do that EVER again. Bugs are supposed to stay outside not inside.

    Oh and Les - thanks for the moral support lol.



    Location: New York/Florida, United States