I think Im going to get a new phone because the one I have now has been acting up big time. Cutting off and on by itself, the screen turns purple and blue for no reason at all and it's driving me crazy really. I ♥ my cell phone - it's my baby and my only way to connect to the people that mean something to me that aren't around the corner. This is the phone I'm thinking about getting. It does cost an arm and a 2 legs but I like it.
- 1.3 Megapixel Camera/Camcorder with Flash/Video Light
- Video Ringtones & Screen Savers
- Changeable Faceplates (4 colors included)
- Picture MailSM – share photos & videos†
- Video Length: 30 Sec. (Video Mail) or 30 Min.(Long Video)
- Music StoreSM – download & play full-length songs
Plus it's bluetooth capable and a more than reliable source told me that I needed one since Im on the phone so much and I can get radiation through the ear piece lol.
Isn't it purdy?!?!?! I can't wait to get it!
♥ Mystique
PS - It's like 9000 degrees in here so I know I wont get any sleep tonight :(