♥ expectant .
im your girl

Name: Candise P( Candi P)
Age: 20 years old
Date of Birth: Febuary15
Horoscope Sign: Aquarius
Motherhood: Mother of 1
Residence: South Florida via NY

I'm an 80's baby. Born February 15th ((Aquarius to the fullest)). For those who wonder - I am NOT mixed with any other ethnicity. Simply and beautifully African American. New York born and bread. Now residing in South Florida. Although I'm loving the fun and sun, NOTHING beats New York.

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    ♥ Live life.
    like it's your last

    "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure"

    ♥ past .
    travel through time

    July 2006
    August 2006
    September 2006
    October 2006
    November 2006
    December 2006
    January 2007
    March 2007
    November 2007
    December 2007

    ♥ friends.
    set them free


    ♥ Outro.
    with love...

    Tuesday, August 08, 2006
    My Mystery Man { freed on 11:20 PM

    There's a mystery man in my life.

    To think he started as a dream.

    I've never been so In love before! He consumes all of my thoughts. I think and obsess over him day after day. He was my world.

    91 days the mystery should be lifted but instead the heartbreak will be re(re)placed. Will anyone else recognize this day or will it be just me? Does anyone know how great this day could have been?

    He looks so farmiliar, like a face I know so well. The dimples, chocolatey skin, and a beautiful smile.

    He was mine and no one could come between that ...

    I thought.

    He is my shattered dream and yet he's become the birth of so many more dreams!

    My mystery man is a reminder of all good in life and all the good that WILL come to us. I wont cry over my mystery man any longer. Just smile and wait for him to visit me once again.

    My mystery man
    a begining with no end.

    "Your tiny footprints will forever be across my heart"


    Location: New York/Florida, United States