Last night was pretty uneventful didn't do much at all but clean. It was raining and that had em even more in the mood to sweep, scrub, and wash everything I saw lol. Blame it on the rain. I also took everything out of my closet and put it back, re folding and ironing whatever I took out. It looks a lot better. All the shoes, purses, jeans, shirts - everything.
I was surprised when I came across my graduation gown and a bridesmaid dress from my Aunts wedding. When I tried the dress (size 2)on it wouldn't even come up past my thighs...dang. Guess my "plan" really is working **hehe** gaining that weight in all the
right places. Go me, go me lol.
Yeah so I'm once again thinking about going back down to Boca rather than to Orlando. I can honestly say my heart is there (more expensive or not. I wish I knew exactly what to do. :(
I'm going to do my best to make a rational decision that is bound to make
me happy after all is said and done, 'cause that's all that's important at the end of the day. We'll see as that thought evolves into an actual decision.
On a lighter note.

I sent in my information for a casting call for a Gatoraide commercial shoot with Dwayne Wade in Miami. Hopefully that will fall through 'cause I damn sure need the money let alone the exposure. And D Wade .yummy. lol. Let me stop before I get into trouble lol. I sent the memo to Franie so maybe she'll want to get down on it with me if it seems prevailing!?! The shoot is early next month so I'll keep you all posted on that.
Anyway the season premiere of Americas Next Top Model Cycle 6 just started and oh how delightful it is to watch it again. The way work looks lately I'll be able to watch it every week like I want to. I can already see who the problem child will be and I also have my fav's too.

Anchal, Christian, and Eugena are my top three at this early stage in the game. We'll see how it turns out. I wont try my luck and try to guess for the fourth season in a row who will win this season - I'll let it rock for a little bit.
I guess I'll be buying Vanished and Prison Break because after the first episode classes started and I got screwed (continuously forgetting to set the DVR to record for me).
YaY - I have tommorow off!! First day in a week. I've been working my behind off. It's all good though 'cause I know for a fact it will pay off in the end. And I'm looking forward to that pay off more than anything else. I guess I really shouldn't say it's my day off because I have class at 7pm. I like this class though. Intro to Religion **dork**. I'm learning a lot. Everyone should have to take the class. Ignorance isn't an excuse and, the more you can identify and understand others - the smoother situations go. The U.S should try to do that more.
Plenty of pics comming for this upcomming weekend so you all look out for them!!
Anyway - enough blabbing for the night. Im sleepy.