I always said I wouldn't get a small car cause Im small myself and if I had it my way and gas prices weren't so high I'd get the biggest truck I could. My 5 foot tail would be riding high in a Navigator or an Escalade for sure.
But the other day leaving from work I saw the cutest little beetle. I think it was the color that grabbed my eye more than anything. It wasn't that old red or yellow. It was the burnt orange that got me. I've only been in one once and I actually liked it. Me and my god brothers girlfriend rode around Boynton Beach with the top down like 2 speed divas lol. But anyway - I def'ly am feeling
Yeah so I re wrote the plot for the Zane submission
again. I think it'll flow a lot better. I wonder if I can submit more than one?! That would be good 'cause then I can send in all three and not have to worry 'cause all my ideas would be there lol.
In the meanwhile thanks to Mrs.Carly I found a celebrity look alike face recognition
program that scans your face and reads out which celebrty you look like. It's funny 'cause I have been told more than a few times that I look like a few of the poepl that came up on the list. Just yesturday someone asked me if anyone ever told me if I looked like Rihanna, which I don't see at all. And My uncle swears up and down I look like Golden Brookes who plays Mya on the TV show Girlfriends.

What do yall think? Is this reading any good? I'll tell you this - I never for one second thought I looked anything like Eva Longoria. Whoa.