Attn::If you can't handle opinions stop here. I have to come real with it because this is a REAL topic and things like this go on every day. Warning: There are images within this post that are very graphic!
So yeaturday I got a heads up on this article that was in the paper (The Miami Herald 9/16/2006) about a woman who gave birth in a Hialeah abortion clinic while trying to complete her abortion process (she had been there the prior day to ingest the medication to begin dialation). She didn't feel well when she went into the clinic and as she sat in the prep room waiting for a doctor to come and finish the
As she sat and waited for the doctore (who wasn't even in the building at the time) she started having severe stomach pains which resulted in her giving birth in the room alone. When a nurse came inside they immediatedly ushered the baby away and placed it inside a . The girl who did not disclose her name said she saw the baby gasping for air after it delivered and taken away.
The young woman went into the clinic looking to get an abortion. Being 22 weeks pregnant she was 4 weeks from reaching the maximum amount of weeks prenant before an abortion is legal.
Let me educate yall real quick [for those who dont know already] ...
For those of you who aren't doing the math that is about 5 and a half months pregnant. By this time (22 weeks) babies sleep in the uterus, and have some periods of intense activity in-between.The baby now shows an extremely rapid brain growth. The ovaries of female fetuses contain primitive egg cells, all of the eggs a woman will have for her entire life. The uterus of female fetuses is also fully formed. The baby now looks like a miniature newborn, weighing in at aound 10.9 inches and almost 1 pound. His or her skin appears wrinkled until she gains enough weight to fill it out, and the fine hair (lanugo) that covers his/her head and body is now visible. His/her lips are becoming more distinct, and the first signs of teeth are appearing as buds beneath her gum line. His/her eyes are developed, though the iris (the colored part of the eye) still lacks pigment. Eyelids and eyebrows are in place, and her pancreas, essential for hormone production, is developing steadily. Keep in mind this is only at 22 weeks. 24 weeks is the cut off for abortion and at this time a baby is growing steadily, more than a pound since the 22nd week. Since he/she's almost a foot long, that makes a pretty lean figure, but her body is filling out proportionally and he'll/she'll soon put on more baby fat. The baby's skin is thin, translucent, and wrinkled still, his/her brain is growing rapidly, and his/her taste buds are developing. His/Her lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" and cells that produce surfactant, a substance that helps the air sacs inflate easily.
When I think of abortion reguardless of what kind of abortion it may be (cause there are several kinds) I think of one kind. Partial birth abortion. Dilation and Extraction or D&E is in my opinion the worst form there is; it is performed in the 4th trimester through the 8th month of pregnancy. During a D&E abortion, the woman's cervix is dilated using laminaria
(seaweed) and dilator rods. Forceps are inserted which are used to tear the child apart, limb by limb. Then the spine and skull are crushed and removed. Next the abortionist uses a curette, a scooped shaped surgical instrument, to scrape the walls of the uterus. He then reassembles the child to assure that no part of her is left inside the woman. Although they've outlawed things like this I know they still go on, even here in America. I could not imagine for one second going to a clinic only to have my child literally broken to pieces inside of me and taken out of me piece by piece and continue to live with myself.
If you know me you know that my views on abortion are very strong. I am super PRO LIFE. There is no reason an innocent life should be sacrificed for anyone's mistakes.
Please read the actual articel for all the specs on the case.
Miami Herald Article Link
I thought this a good entry to give opinion about my ever changing views on birth control as well. I never knew this to be such a controversial topic until very recently.
I have even thought about birth control in all it's many forms to be a form of abortion. I have and am on the pill and in thinking about it are we interferring with God's plans or just saving ourselves from unwanted complication and struggle? What if God wanted for some of us to deal with the struggle, are we falling out of his path for us?"
Artificially interfering with natural conception is not part of the process of "free will", it is a rejection of God -- the Author of Life -- as the center of the marriage covenant."Being the inquizative individual that I am I wanted to know more about this issue so I began looking around on forums and other informational sites for more information. In looking further into different religions views on BC.
Catholic:I was reading a
Catholic family planning and religion site and it listed the communities views on topics such as sex within marriage, sex before marriage, abortion, and BC. Sex in the Catholic religion is for procreation purposes only and so to them preventing conception is sin. "
Barrier methods of BC, such as the condom and the cervical cap, along with hormonal contraceptives, like the birth control pill and Depo-Provera, are thought to interfere with the act of conception. Specifically, they prevent the egg from being fertilized by a sperm and in some cases may inhibit a pregnancy further by preventing the implantation of an egg. To Catholics, purposely stopping the joining of an egg and sperm is thought to be a sin, therefore these forms of BC are not accepted." Wow. Even a condom (which is in no way shape or form a medication or something that alters chemical balances in your body) is considered not acceptable. After this is said many questions pop up.
Q1. How are you supposed to space out your children (if desired) and should you even try being that also would be interferring with God's will?
A1. This site refers to something called NFP or Natural Family Planning which in essence is is an umbrella term for various forms of birth control that do not involve any hormones or physical barriers to prevent pregnancy, but instead rely on periods of abstinence during a woman’s menstrual cycle.
Q2. What are some forms of natural family planning and how do they work without interferring with the act of conception?
A2. Some popular forms of natural family planning are
the rhythm method,
basil body temperature charting, and the
the standard days method. In order to do something like this and make it work you must be in some sort of stable commited relationship and willing to plan and keep to your plans.
Judaism:The Torah has been interpreted (not by everyone) to say that a Jewish man should have at least one son and one daughter, Jewish law states that men should not destroy or waste their "seed" (sperm). For this reason, barrier methods of contraception, vasectomies, and the withdrawal method are discouraged (although a condom may be used if its intended purpose is to protect against STDs). Jewish law permits the use of birth control in young women and those women who are nursing as well as those couples who already have at least one boy and one girl.
Q1. In their saying BC is permitted to use by young girls
A1. No answer given.
Islam:Almost all forms of birth control are thought to be permissible in Islam. Those that are not accepted include surgical sterilization (unless it is medically necessary), as it is viewed as a form of castration as well as alters the body without need, and the withdrawal method, because it interrupts a woman’s pleasure and prevents a woman from conceiving if that is what she wants. However, the withdrawal method may be used if the woman agrees to it.
Birth control use may be allowed for various women. Instances when Islam permits the use of contraception include:
- Allowing a woman to rest between pregnancies
- Preventing the transmission of infectious disease, such as an STD
- A women’s health requires the use of birth control
- A husband cannot financially support more children
Im not going to lie - this tripped me out. Especially the part about the withdraw method. Reason being, usually the woman is forgotten about in sexual matters.
Yes there are conflicting arguments here, and contradicting questions in my head but so many things I read seem so sensable BUT I will continue on my pill until I have made a complete, confident, and agreeable .
I'd love to hear everyone else's opinions on the issues at hand. I know I've written a lot so I'm going to end it here. Can't wait for your responses.
Moral of the story:

A child is a blessing, a miricle, and the only way that we as a people will continue on and they should be treated that way reguardless of the complications. I hope anyone reading this that might be consideringan abortion will reconsider and think of the blessing. And those who might consider it down the line I hope you think back to this
Thanks D for the heads up on the article!
Please leave your comments and opinions.
♥ Mystique