I was going to the bathroom when I passed by a classroom where two techers gathered just outside of the door wispering. When I heard them say a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center, I walked a little slower in disbelief trying to hear as much as I could. I figured that it was just a nasty rumour. Although I didn't think what they said was true I still couldn't help thinking about it. WOW I thought as I imagined something so massive beiing in the line of fire. I just couldn't fathom that.
After it was verified, the news of a plane hitting the World Trade Center spread through the school like wild fire.
I remember picking up the phone to call my parents, my brother, call my cousins who were closer to Manhattan than I was - I had a God mother who's office building was directly across from the WTC and an Aunt who worked in Manhattan as well.
I still remember being in class that day. Sitting, staring up at the TV that channel after channel showed a horrific picture of what looked like our city going down in flames. I glanced out the wondow almost every 5 seconds to make sure I saw nothing in the sky.
I also remember after they began letting people in and out of Manhattan again going down to ground zero as close as I can get and the sense of mourning, sadness that surrounded me.
I also remember thehuge outpouring of help that swarmmed about digging and cleaning up the rubble in the midst of all the confusion that went on around them.
There was a documentary that in my opinion was the best out of the millions of documentaries that were made for 9/11. It was a documentary made by two french filmakers. They were supposed to be focussing on probationary firefighters and suddenly everything changed when the first plane hit the towers. They were the only people who managed to have their cameras inside of the towers and got so much footage that most people couldn't live to tell.
For any of you who haven't seen it - ; this is by far the
BEST documentary that I have seen till this day.
So many questions still remain and my heart goes out to those who still deal with the effects of this today. No matter what I♥NY!!!
May we keep the families and all effected by this tragedy in our hearts forever.
♥ Mystique