Back from work. I was soo happy to get out of that hell hole lol. Ahhh now Im home and just chillin'.Work was fine with the exception of a few people that couldn't go without trying to make me angry. Soooo I told them how it was

and went about my business. No more letting other people run my emotions.
I wish I was hungry 'cause I have food but I just don't feel like eating

. That's something new huh lol.
Yeah so about my writing - the story is comming along perfect. I pretty much have the whole story line together, characters and all. For what I have written already I plan to
Ummmm TrueLyfe ... let's get your self together please. Im waiting on part two of the story. Im a little anxious if you can't tell. So in other words
Hurry Up with it lol. I mean that in the nicest wasy possible

- serious.
There's about 20 minutes until Wild Wedding Night starts on WE. That just makes my week complete *hehe* Can't wait - an all new episode of Bridezillas and Platinum wedding, who could ask for more?! I might just have to get back to yall after it goes of lol.
Be back .....