For those of you who beieve I'm weak, think they can walk over me,
I'm closing up shop on this shit 'cause I'm tired of being used...
****If you want to keep your image of my good girl persona, I suggest you not continue reading****
I'm more than kind to anyone I meet and most of the time I let people get wayyy to far before stopping them. Most of the time it's because they take my kindness for weakness. We'll I've gotten to a point where it's getting old. I'm tired of being walked over, and I'm def'ly tired of keeping my mouth shut.
It's become apparent that people love me. But they only love me when I'm on their "who's who to screw" list.
As you know Im not at my actual school this semester but staying at home getting my money up and plan to leave in a month and a half.
The whole time I was away at school my time was pretty much taken up by one of two things. Both of the two are equally important to me, and that's all I focused on. I wasn't out to make a milion friends because (I thought) I had the friends that I needed.
Even in keeping my little friend circle as small as I did WHY the fuck do I feel like I'm back in high school? And secondly where are the "friends" Im supposed to have that say "oh Candise you know they're trippin' we know you and what you would and would not do?" Yeah those people are long gone. Out of high school looks like I came with one friend and she's miles and miles away busy with her own life. Her own life that's not filled with he said she said type drama so what would I look like calling her to tell her about yet another individual(s) who are plotting on me once again when she has bills to pay, diapers to change, and a husband to take care of?
Should I be flattered or pissed??!
It's great that I'm not there to defend myself nor even begin to imagine who it is that is saying whatever it is they're saying but I'll tell you this; I'm not about to fight anyone to believe what I say. I said it once you believe me then you belive me you don't then fuck off. Im sooo tired of fighting people on what they think about me, how they feel about what i do and so on and so forth. I did this shit in high school and I'm not going to little myself into doing this shit in college or at any other point in my ife. Most of us are way too grown for that. MOST of us that is.
I find it great how people can attepmt to ruin my shit from so far away lol. Let's just make Candises' shit a little bit worse and see what happens. Karma is a bitch and I'm not one for revenge 'cause I know that'll be taken care of without my actions involved.
As far as Im concerned people can say whatever the fuck they want to say 'cause the people who do KNOW me not just know of me know what's up and I don't have to defend myself with those who do know me for real.
So to make a long story short ...

I'm Glad to know I'm famous and people just want to be involved in my life. People want to say they know me, people want to say they've touched me, talked to me, got my number, had some sort of relations with me, faught me, told me off, kissed me, had a class with me. Give me a damn break.
And to all those punk niggas I turned down and told I was involved or that I wasn't interested - they can all go to hell 'cause Im not down with all that petty lets make her misserable shit. Excuse me for failing to give you the time of day not to mention look in your direction because I was happy with my little disfunctional reationship and half of someone elses' heart.
So yall can do what the fuck they do and dream about the day they could have someone like me in your life.
FUCK yall make my day.
My skins a little thicker and in essence I'm a lot stronger than I was even days ago.
There are plenty of dumb ass females to fuck with ---
And I will no longer be treated as one.
"Love Me or Hate Me It's Still An Obsession"