What a day yesterday was lol. I have to tell yall 'cause it was just that funny.
So yesterday me and my dear mother were in the mall shopping for some birthday gifts for my father. We came across this T-Shirt place that will put custom phrases, photos etc. onto tee's, tanks, and hats. On every wall of the store there are examples of pre-made shirts that can be made for you. So we're walking through chuckling at all the smart ass phrases that they had when we come across this one shirt my mom couldn't quite figure out so she calls me over to decipher it.
I walk over and she points to the shirt.
When I take a look at it I was almost mortified at the fact that she had picked that shirt for me to explain over all the rest.
The shirt was simple and I simply wanted out after seeing it lol.
All it was, was a tea bag with the word
TEA wriiten aross it.
I'm like DAMN, how am I to explain this one lol.
After walking away my mom continues to follow me around the store begging for me to tell her what it means.
The cashier in the store was cracking up and I promise if I was a little lighter than I am I would have been beat red from laughing and embarrasment.
All day long she hounded me for details of the
When we returned home she threatened to look it up on the computer and I was like "oh no" lol.
Well, she learned the meaning of Tea Bag yesterday and I'm not talking about the one you put in water/milk to relax or wake up everyday.
my mother lol.
♥ Mystique