I'm hungry
I think I'm going to actually finish up my myspace page as I still have one empty space on my page with nothing in it and I'm getting sick of looking at it. I asked my dear friends for suggestions and got like 2. What good they are lol.
I promise everyone around me is sick! I feel like I need to be in a bubble lol. I have nothing against you sick people and being the loving and caring individual I am I will def'ly help yall out let's just make sure I'm not sick along with you lol. I've been sick twice since I've moved from NY to FL and when I say sick that prolly doesn't even half way describe it. I felt like I Was about to die the last two times I got sick. And apparently the sickness was quite potent (
inside joke) lmao. But anyway... yeah so I'm not trying to get sick right now, I have too much to do and waaayyyy too much to take care of to be sick.
So my mom is trying to get me to cook thanksgiving dinner this year. Oh did I forget to mention by my damn self lol. Since X-Mas is about to be really big for us this year we're keeping Thanksgiving pretty small so I guess I could do it. Not really looking forward to slaving over a hot stove for hours, cause I prolly won't want to eat afterwards - I'll be knocked out on the couch with all the kids running around me lol. I think it'll be fun though - I have to put together a little menu and figure out what I'll be making.
So yeah me and Bobby Valentino are vibin' right now. He's just singing his little booty off right now and I'm loving every moment of it. His album stayed on repeat before I left NY and when I first moved down here and It's making me feel great. Putting me in a really nice mood.
"Never have I wanted
someone like this before
Now we are all alone
let me explain it more
A little romance girl, is all that's on my mind
Tonight we could fly so high
I'll do all the things you like"
WoW ... it just started thundering, that's strange for the time of year but I won't complain cause that means I'll be getting excellent sleep tonight, and I don't plan on staying up super late either.
Not Tonight.
Oh yeah another photo to add to the collection. I'm entitling this one Naturality.

Me: No make up, no nothing - just me, and the sunlight.
I heard from a certain little birdie that AVANT will be making his way to Tampa sometime soon. I can't miss his again. I went to one of his concerts a while back - Ginuwine, Joe, Jagged Edge, and my baby daddy
whether he knows it or not Avant. Boy was that place a mess lol. All the females were acting nuts and the men bold enough to call themselves taking their women to the event prolly regretted the hell out of it lol. Props to all of them who stuck it out though - cause even I was tired of all the screaming and wailing at these guys lol.
Anyway ....
Did you know they're really taking this whole internet addiction thing seriosly these days. Offering treatment that lasts a year?! WOW. I read the common symtoms and a bunch of us might really be in trouble.
1. Lying about how much time is spent online.
2. General decrease of physical activity and social life.
3. Neglecting obligations at home, work, or school to spend time online.
4. Spending too much money on computer equipment or Internet activities.
5. Feeling a constant desire to be online when they're away from the computer.
6. Going online to escape real world problems.
7. Disregarding the emotional or physical consequences of being in front of a computer all day.
8. Denial of the problem.
I thought that was highly amusing, but anyway I'm about to work on a few little avatars then it's off to bed for me.
Talk to yall laterz: I'll be on tommorow afternoon but might not be able to talk 'cause I plan on restoring my computer and have it running smooth like buttah!
Till next time ...
♥ Mystique
"Here's to the ma[e]n who recognize the