I should have been up a long time ago but of course I slept through some alarms and pressed the snooze button a few times more than I should have.
Oh well...
I'm up now.
I got about 3 hours of sleep last night before waking up for work. We never ended up at the casino last night but we went to Heathers and enjoyed ourselves there.

Anywho...I'm just now starting to pack. I'm not bringing everything 'cause I can only make one trip down south this time and I don't have all the room I had last time. Oh well, maybe that will help me get rid of some things that I'm holding onto for no reason. I need to PURGE PURGE PURGE. The one thing that's
really hard is my shoes 'cause I don't like to throw away boxes, it's just neater to keep them for easy storage. Even though I do have about 5 or 6 pairs that have no home (
from shopping in clearance)everyone of my shoes are in boxes and I plan to keep it that way. Well, I guess I'll figure it out.
Enough for tonight - One box down.
Until Tommorow♥Mysti