Just finished eating some left over pizza from earlier this afternoon - well I should say evening since I waited so damn long to eat it. My bad [
Watching Boomerang and sitting up on Myspace contemplating hopping onto Yahoo Messenger for a little bit but I don't want to start talking to people and automatically not want to talk anymore 'cause that's the mood I'm in right now.
I know regardless I'll be up for a while. I swear if I wasn't so scared of up and dying in my sleep I'd hop on those sleeping pills in a minute. I hate being up while everyone else is sleeping

Anyway ...
**on a lighter and less depressing noteI found out that Jamie Foxx is going to be on tour and he's coming down to South Florida. I don't care what I have to do but I will
DEF'LY be seeing him. And to top it off Fantasia is his guest on the tour. The tickets are fairly priced and it'll be another bday present to myself - or maybe V-day. Either or, I'm going lol.
Well. Off to the rest of my night. I'm going to attempt to get off of the computer and watch TV. You know Television is really horrible these days. Seriously sitting through the girls gone wild commercials, cell phone dating ads, and infomercials I'm just about ready to puke. I'd rather turn of the tube the lights and stare at the black ceiling until I fall fast asleep.
I shouldn't complain 'cause I know I'll have something to do (maybe even too much) when classes start. I'll take what I can get.
Hope you all had safe and entertaining Saturday nights