Hey dudes... I'm sitting here cold as ice in the airport, about an hour and a half early for my flight.
Someone sitting behind me is being nosey so I thought that it'd be funny to sit here and write about her so she'd feel bad aboiut being in my business lol. I'm dead wrong --- and you all love it lol. I'm thinking about going over to the little store and grabbing the latest issue of Vibe and Vibe Vixen to read while I have all this time. Might as well brush up on all the latest black entertainment news and interviews.
I'm flying back 'cause my dad needed to do a few things to the car. He said something about 3 of the 4 rims being bent, changing the windshield wipers, and the air filter. It's all good with me - he's doing it and I won't compalin.
But anyway ...
My funky arse battery is dying fast and I'm looking for a socket so I can plug up. Maybe I'll be back before I get on the plane but I doubt it relying on the life of this comp.
Anyway just checking in.