What an experience! One second Im at a doctors appointment, next thing you know Im being told my baby will be here later on that evening. Scared, happy, anxious, I had so many emotions I didn't know what to do with myself.
The early morning (3am) of the 19th I was having contractions after walking around the mall two days in a row. By 4am I was at the hospital and being admitted - I was
only 1 centimeter dialated, after 2 days of pain comming and going. I started to get nervous knowing that more pain was to come and no one but God knew how long it would take me to get fully dialated. By 8:45am I was discharged and on my way to the doctors appointment I had already scheduled from a week prior. At the doctor I learned that It would be safer and easier for me to have a c-section. I feared this the most my whole pregnancy. I wanted to at least try and give birth naturally. Daddy to be assured me that things would be fine and I went home to rest for the few hours I had before going to the hospital to be prepped for the surgery.
Scared or not I took my butt to bed to ease my mind and get ready for motherhood - my baby boy would be there later on that night and I was thrilled.
Seriously I boo hooed the whole entire process, I had never had surgery before and I had no control over my body with the epidural in my system. I was nervous that something might go wrong.
It was a good thing that my doctor decided to do the section that day because the cord was around my his neck and he was facing the wrong way. When they pulled him out he didn't even cry. I think he let out a sigh of relief lol - he was ready to come out too!
After they cleaned him all up one of the nurses brought him over to me and I got the first glimpse of my beautiful baby boy - never felt anything like that in my life. Honestly he could have been purple and had 1 arm and 1 leg and I would have still been in love. I didn't think I could have cried anymore but I did while repeating over and over again "is he alright, is he alright?".
I was so drugged up from all the pain killers and the epidural that still hadn't wore off that I knocked out in the recovery room for about 2 hours. Anytime I wake I ask for my son but they had him in the nursery and would not let me have him until I was feeling better. It felt like foreverr before they finally bought him to me and I was able to feed him and spend time with him. I was sitll a little loopy so everything was so surreal to me.
This was the begining of a new begining for me. I've never been so in love.
Labels: Baby, birth, Jayden