Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Pitiful { freed on
11:06 PM
Okay so yeah I still haven't seen
Saw III yet, and I'm really upset about it. I will soon though before some jackass decides to ruin it for me and spill the beans. I'm not trying to have that! It's Halloween night and I'm sitting here watching Seinfeld, drinking CranRasberry Juice (in my favorite cup) and eating Tootsie Rolls©. Pitiful huh lol.
I don't work the next two days which is lovely but I do have a paper and a test to take care of for next week so that sucks!
Anyway I'm perusing the net for something interesting to talk about. Something to get me passionate and heated.
Ooooooo I found it!!!!
Get this, I know it's been talked about over and over for a while now but here's the evidence lol.
By the way this pic is supposed to have been from a few years ago. 
Wow so I knew that they kissed but I didn't know there were pictures. I should have known though cause the paparazzi doesn't play and I know something would pop up soon or later. I found it and I don't know what the hell to make of it. It's so damn twisted 'for several reasons
#1: Although their lips are touching (somewhat of a peck) they are also engaged in a pound lol, that really tripped me out.
#2: Why is the rest of the "Cash Money Fam" standing around like they do this on the regular; and I do mean
all of them.
#3: This is the epitome of (
WOW I'm not one to demote a mans street cred for showing some emotion but daaammmnnn! This makes no sense.So the claims are that the two guys are just really close (like father and son) and so that is how they show their love to one another.Hmmmm ... I'm sorry but I don't kiss my parents on the lips and wou never think of it either, and if one of them tried me I'd pick up the phone and call somebody lmao. It may be cute when your child is younger and all but it gets to a certain time and place where that's no longer acceptable nor cute. It's like breast feeding your child at the age of 5 or something, that's terrible lol.
What do yall make of this test of their man hood?
Damn there's nothing on TV and I don't want to scare myself and watch scary movies all night 'cause I'll def'ly have some nitemares.
I'm going to go play a game of Scrabble with my homeboy and get my ass in the bed. But not before I go scout the fridge for something good to eat.
Oh by the way ...
Can someone wake up tommorow morning and get a Panera Bread hot chocolate and 2 plain bagels and a sesamme seed one with light butter? That would be really awesome, I wouldn't mind that at all. Oh yeah and stop at the grocery store and get some orange juice, iced tea, and orange soda. Thanks in advance!
♥Always Mystique
Friday, October 27, 2006
Hiatus { freed on
4:50 PM
Love was a former owner, but quiet is renting your house
It seizes my lips from speaking, but forms a sarcastic smile
Suspence now raised one of your eyebrows, you ask me if there's someone else
I replied yes, hell yes
You asked me if it's another man, I said no
You laughed and say is it a woman, I say yeah
Surprisingly you asked for honey's name ...
And her name is
And she loves me more than you'll ever know,
And I finally see that loving you and loving
ME just don't seem to work at all,
So patiently, she's waiting on me to tell you that she needs love,
And to choose between you two, boy you know if I have to choose, I choose
ME thought
Cuz shes actually formin' a threesome, and I'm happy that I can join them, and
That means that I'll be myself and I,
I'm leavin don't try and stop me,
I'm late and she is wating,
My love for
ME is too much so I can't stay
I think I'll be taking some time off of myspace and off of the net period. I need a break damnit.
♥ Candise
Yall got 2 months to get yourselves together ... Good Luck!"
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
So Sweet { freed on
7:01 PM

New Pics
Oh Joy
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Weekends Over { freed on
8:57 PM
I know it's been more than a few days. I couldn't sign in to Blogger for anything, I cheated the system though. HAHAHAHA (evil laugh)
What a weekend I had. And an unexpected one too. Maybe sometimes unexpected is for the best. Im not going to lie though - I LOVE surprises, but you really have to keep them from me cause if I even think there's a surprise in store; I will do whatever to find out what it is lol.
Well the weekends over and that means bcak to work, school, and the same ol' you know what as usual. Blah - normal life sucks - just playing lol. Right noe I'm laying in the bed doing absolutely nothing while drinking some tea. Yes I said tea - there's a cold front and it's beautiful out.The sun is shining, there's a break from all the hot weather and humidity and the sky is clear! Can't complain about that. Back in NY at this time it'd be freezing and I'd be straight depressed that I couldn't do anything outside.
Anyway ...
I'm working on my brothers page and I did mine over again and it's finally come together quite nicely. There are somethings I'd like to change but for now I'm leaving it as is for now just changing small things here and there. I did write up some new things for it and even though I'd much rather you go to the page to see it I guess I can show you here as well.
00001.//Typical Day A typical Day in my life (if I’m not working) at this point in time would have to be waking up. Thanking God for allowing me to see another day. I usually look at my phone to see just how late I’m waking up (I love to sleep in) and make my first phone call of the day which is most likely to my baby. After bidding him good morning I get out of the bed and because I’m not really a breakfast person I skip the food and hit the shower. After the shower I’m usually hopping online to check my email, myspace.com, facebook.com, you know; all that good stuff. By this time it’s usually late enough for me to eat something and finish off whatever it is that I need to get done. 00002.//Alias? Mystique is pretty simple to explain. It’s a combination of two words: Unique and Mystery. Most people see my face and assume such an array if things about me. Which most of the time are completely untrue. If you don’t know me you’d never figure me out with one simple hello goodbye conversation. 00003.//Baby Making Music? Favorite baby making music, that would 100%ly have to be Sade, want to get specific on the album then I’d say Lovers Rock. That is truly some baby making music. I just wonder how many babies were conceived as soon to be mommies and daddies rocked to that album. **chuckles** 00004.//Relax Yourself After long stressful days, which seem to be more and more prevalent in my life lol, I like to write out my feelings and thoughts on my days activities and such. Writing for me is very therapeutic. If I’m really stressed then I might just hit the sac. Yeah it might not be productive but I feel so much better after a good long peaceful, uninterrupted nap.
I just submitted a few entries to the yahoo time capsule which I think is pretty flippin' awesome! I submitted 3 entries love, beauty and hope. I think I'm going to put in one more though. If they send me links of course I'll share. You guys should do some too! Be apart of history lol boy was that corny.
Saw III comes out on friday! YaY I bought the first one like 2 weeks ago just to prepare myself for it. I can't wait, I love to scare myself although the movie wasn't so much scary but suspensful. I plan to go opening night with some co-workers, followed by drunk twister - it should be fun lol.
Well I'll talk to yall later, I'm about to watch the last episode of Nip Tuck season 1 so I can jump on season two before they put out another season and I end up waaayy behind lol. Lataz!
Oh before I go1 I got some new boots...
You like?!
♥ Mystique
I like to take chances"
Shameless self promotion ...
Tell Your Friends
Monday, October 16, 2006
Frustrations { freed on
10:28 PM
Just to name a few ...
1. my myspace layout isn't comming out how I'd like it too.
2. i'm quite tired of being tired.
3. i'm anxious as hell to get back to Boca.
4. no one leaves any damn comments.
5. i have to work tommorow.
6. my minutes are pretty much done 'till the 22nd (not that anyone's calling anyway)On the brighter side, my net is back up and running properly. I just got in from class and thank you to my lovely study habits I got a 95 on my MAH midterm! YaY. I told yall I was going to get A's in both of my classes. If anything else, that makes me really happy. I know I HATE school but it's something I have to do to get where I want to be and make sure my future is straight so I'll sacrifice whatever to do so.
I have another mid-term on Thursday and I plan to bang out no less than a 90 (that's def'ly a minimum).
So yeah anyway ...
Boooooo I have to work tommorow. That sucks but I'm making the money so it's all good. Seriously this whole, school to work thing isn't what it's cracked up to be. All I do is sleep, eat, go to work, go to school, and start all over again the next day. Damn ... I don't want to do this forever lol. I need to start working out again, I've been eating way too much junk food - it's convienient and fufilling at the time but my husband will have no fat wife lol. I plan to keep this body in shape till the day I die even if it takes me waking up super early (morning person or not). I don't even need the motivation cause the first half of a roll i see forming from those late night meals and constant snacking Im the gym before you can say anything lol.
Well Im off. Nite Nite.
♥ Mystique
Christian ... that prior blogs about haters and people that have nothing better to do with their lives but talk about me was not about you. I mean how could I? I asked you for an opinion and you gave it to me, I would never in a million years get mad because you gave it to me straight and honest. I respect and value your opinion and I wouldn't air you out like that lol. Trust me when I say that who I wrote it to knows exactly who Im talking to and that Karma is a force to be reckoned with. His will come.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Comments { freed on
1:00 PM
Okay guys, comments are back (not that you're going to leave one) but I thought you all might like to know just incase you got the urge. I have a counter on the page now so I can easily see just how many people are visting and bouncing without saying a thing. Thanks.
It's beautiful outside today and it kind of sucks that I wont be able to bask in the sun because I have to go to work ***blah*** oh well - ill have other times to sit around. Right now it's about making money.
Class was pretty straight last night. I'm more than positive I have an A in both classes so I'm happy about that. Well I'm going to do something with myself before work and grab some food (((yummy))).
♥ Mystique
Sunday, October 08, 2006
New Look { freed on
8:36 PM
Yeah I'm pulling it together but I have to take a break to eat and I must do it quick because it's Wild Wedding Night tonight! YAY!!!
BE back...
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Feeing alot Better { freed on
10:29 AM
After getting all that off my chest I feel like 40x's better then before. To be honest no one should even have the power over me to get me that upset.
It's whatever and I'm over it.
I have a 10hr shift to work tonight and I don't know how much I'm looking forward to it. Got to do what I have to do --- right?!
Well I'm off.
And I'm leaving you guys with a thought.
"Maybe the past is like an anchor holding us back. Maybe, you have to let go of who you are to become who you will be."
Hope that affects someone, some way.
♥ Mystique
Friday, October 06, 2006
She's Famous?! { freed on
1:02 PM
For those of you who beieve I'm weak, think they can walk over me,
I'm closing up shop on this shit 'cause I'm tired of being used...
****If you want to keep your image of my good girl persona, I suggest you not continue reading****
I'm more than kind to anyone I meet and most of the time I let people get wayyy to far before stopping them. Most of the time it's because they take my kindness for weakness. We'll I've gotten to a point where it's getting old. I'm tired of being walked over, and I'm def'ly tired of keeping my mouth shut.
It's become apparent that people love me. But they only love me when I'm on their "who's who to screw" list.
As you know Im not at my actual school this semester but staying at home getting my money up and plan to leave in a month and a half.
The whole time I was away at school my time was pretty much taken up by one of two things. Both of the two are equally important to me, and that's all I focused on. I wasn't out to make a milion friends because (I thought) I had the friends that I needed.
Even in keeping my little friend circle as small as I did WHY the fuck do I feel like I'm back in high school? And secondly where are the "friends" Im supposed to have that say "oh Candise you know they're trippin' we know you and what you would and would not do?" Yeah those people are long gone. Out of high school looks like I came with one friend and she's miles and miles away busy with her own life. Her own life that's not filled with he said she said type drama so what would I look like calling her to tell her about yet another individual(s) who are plotting on me once again when she has bills to pay, diapers to change, and a husband to take care of?
Should I be flattered or pissed??!
It's great that I'm not there to defend myself nor even begin to imagine who it is that is saying whatever it is they're saying but I'll tell you this; I'm not about to fight anyone to believe what I say. I said it once you believe me then you belive me you don't then fuck off. Im sooo tired of fighting people on what they think about me, how they feel about what i do and so on and so forth. I did this shit in high school and I'm not going to little myself into doing this shit in college or at any other point in my ife. Most of us are way too grown for that. MOST of us that is.
I find it great how people can attepmt to ruin my shit from so far away lol. Let's just make Candises' shit a little bit worse and see what happens. Karma is a bitch and I'm not one for revenge 'cause I know that'll be taken care of without my actions involved.
As far as Im concerned people can say whatever the fuck they want to say 'cause the people who do KNOW me not just know of me know what's up and I don't have to defend myself with those who do know me for real.
So to make a long story short ...

I'm Glad to know I'm famous and people just want to be involved in my life. People want to say they know me, people want to say they've touched me, talked to me, got my number, had some sort of relations with me, faught me, told me off, kissed me, had a class with me. Give me a damn break.
And to all those punk niggas I turned down and told I was involved or that I wasn't interested - they can all go to hell 'cause Im not down with all that petty lets make her misserable shit. Excuse me for failing to give you the time of day not to mention look in your direction because I was happy with my little disfunctional reationship and half of someone elses' heart.
So yall can do what the fuck they do and dream about the day they could have someone like me in your life.
FUCK yall make my day.
My skins a little thicker and in essence I'm a lot stronger than I was even days ago.
There are plenty of dumb ass females to fuck with ---
And I will no longer be treated as one.
"Love Me or Hate Me It's Still An Obsession"
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Tick Tick Tick { freed on
1:54 AM
Ladies and gentlemen, she's lost it lol.
okay im really going to bed now - it feels better to be sleeping anyway.
♥ Mystique
Monday, October 02, 2006
Conform NO Longer { freed on
11:59 PM
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will."
||Romans 12:2||
Well I'm going to bed now. Thanks all you freakers that left me hanging tonight - I'll remember that lol!!
And Im going to bed now I have an early morning. I think I might even cut my phone off. (((gasp))) I should make a practice of it; everyone else does.
♥ Mystique
Thoughts For The Night { freed on
12:39 AM
Maybe our mistakes are what make our fate. Without them, what would shape our lives? Perhaps if we never veered off course, we wouldn't fall in love, or have babies, or be who we are. After all, seasons change. So do cities. People come into your life and people go. But it's comforting to know the ones you love are always in your heart. And if you're very lucky, a plane ride away.
-Sex and the City
♥ Mystique