Wednesday, November 29, 2006
BlogWorthy { freed on
10:14 PM
What a day yesterday was lol. I have to tell yall 'cause it was just that funny.
So yesterday me and my dear mother were in the mall shopping for some birthday gifts for my father. We came across this T-Shirt place that will put custom phrases, photos etc. onto tee's, tanks, and hats. On every wall of the store there are examples of pre-made shirts that can be made for you. So we're walking through chuckling at all the smart ass phrases that they had when we come across this one shirt my mom couldn't quite figure out so she calls me over to decipher it.
I walk over and she points to the shirt.
When I take a look at it I was almost mortified at the fact that she had picked that shirt for me to explain over all the rest.
The shirt was simple and I simply wanted out after seeing it lol.
All it was, was a tea bag with the word
TEA wriiten aross it.
I'm like DAMN, how am I to explain this one lol.
After walking away my mom continues to follow me around the store begging for me to tell her what it means.
The cashier in the store was cracking up and I promise if I was a little lighter than I am I would have been beat red from laughing and embarrasment.
All day long she hounded me for details of the
When we returned home she threatened to look it up on the computer and I was like "oh no" lol.
Well, she learned the meaning of Tea Bag yesterday and I'm not talking about the one you put in water/milk to relax or wake up everyday.
my mother lol.
♥ Mystique
Friday, November 24, 2006
Happy Blelated Turkey Day! { freed on
4:24 PM
Yeah, just home from work. All the crazies were out today but I managed to make it through the day lol.
Im off to take a nap but wanted to leave some pics that Carla insisted on me posting. Hope you love them girl lol. *Notice any lack of pics of myself was not done intentionally lol.
Oh and here's two nature shots I just had to share with you all.
" beautiful sunset I happened to capture when closing my curtains the other night"

"He almost scared the hell out of my mom when she was messing around with a tree in the front yard"
Oh by the way sorry I wasn't on to tell you all Happy Turkey Day. We all have something to be thankful for! I hope everyone had a safe and blessed day. I'll be back later on tonight to tell you more about my day...
On to my nap - YaY!!!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
{ freed on
11:57 PM
I think I might be getting sick.I'm still sore from earlier this week.I have to wake up early once AGAIN tomorrow.Life can't get any better lol.
Oh well. It's cool, maybe next week will be a better week.
I just finished up my last paper for class. Hallelujah! One cup of lipton tea and 5 pages later I'm all done. Procrastination has produced some of my best work and yet I try to get rid of it lol.
Still working on my comp. Anyone feel free to get me a new one - I'd love that lol. Well until tommorow.
PS- I know I'm not feeling right, I missed Bridezillas *tear*
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Car Accident { freed on
7:22 PM
"damnit, I forgot my phone at home"
"are you serious?"
"yeah it's okay though I'll be fine without it"

unfreakin' believable!!!!
Friday, November 17, 2006
Can I Get An Amen?! { freed on
10:31 PM
"I'm the girl you go to bed with and wake up with. the one you bring the dough home to and leave it on the counter so i can take care of the house. i'm the girl who gets other niggas to envy you, want to be like you and want to kill you. ME, it's about me. real niggas know that. real niggas love drama otherwise life ain't no thrill. if there's no drama, what's the point? a live nigga needs a bitch who's so bad, the other bitches know when they see her to just lay the fuck down. now the other chick might of got some dick from the nigga, at some other time or another but in the presence of wifey, she knew all she could do is shut the fuck up and be mad."
the coldest winter ever.
Random Survey { freed on
9:06 PM
1. Initials: C. P. J.
2. Name someone with the same birthday as you: hMm I don't know
3. Last thing you ate: A huge slice of chocolate cake
4. For or against same sex marriage: For
5. I say Shotgun! You say?: Ummm Bang Bang
6. Last person you hugged? My Mom
7. Do you believe in God?: Absolutely
8. How many U.S states have you been to?: Quite a bit of them
9. How many of the U.S states have you lived in: 2
10. Ever lived outside of the U.S.?: Not Yet
11. Name something you like physically about yourself?: My Eyes
13. Who is your best friend?: Jessica
14. Why are you still up?: Trying to get my computer working again.
15. Who made you angry today?: Finding out I have to work at 5:30 next Friday.
16. Favorite type of Food?: Seafood and Pasta
17. Favorite holiday: Christmas
18. Do you download music: Yes ... shhhhhh!
19. What illegal things have you done? Nothing - Im innocent!
20. Are you shy?: Yes, unless I know you.
21. Would you date the person who posted this?: Too straight for that lol. She's great but No.
22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?: Yes
23. Do you love anyone?: Yes
24. Do you like George Bush?: Does anyone?
25. Have you ever bungee jumped?: No
26. Have you ever gone white-water rafting?: Yes
27. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?: Most def'ly lol
28. How much money ya got?: Not Enough
29. Have you met a real redneck?: Yes
30. How is the weather right now: Aweful chilly
31.What are you listening to right now: Wife Swap on the TV
32. What is your current fav song?: Again by John Legend
33. What was the last movie you watched?: Robots
34. Do you wear contacts: No but I need to.
35. Where was the last place you went besides your house?: Work
36. What are you afraid of?: Death. Being alone for the rest of my life. Clowns and Insects.
37. How many piercings/tattoos do you have?: One tat and ears pierced.
38. How many pets do you have: One and one in the works lol.
39. What's one thing you've learned?: What's love got to do with it!?
41. What do you usually order from Starbucks?Hot Chocolate or white chocolate moca cappucino
42. Have you ever fired a gun: Not yet
43. Are you missing someone?: Always
44. Fav. TV show?: Bridezillas
45. Do you have an ipod?: Yes
46. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celeb?: Yes
48. Who would you like to see right now?: Damn yall are nosey lmao
49. Favorite movie of all time?: Love and Basketball
50. Do you find yourself loved?: Yes
51. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to? Too many times lol
52. Favorite flower: The Lilly
53. Butter, plain, Kettle, or salted popcorn?: Butter and Salted
54. What Magazines do you read?: Vibe, Essence, O.
56. Has anyone you were really close to passed away?: Yes
58. What's something that really bugs you?: An unswept or unclean floor, liars, haters, gosh I could go on forever.
59. Do you like Michael Jackson?: Love Him
60. Last text received?: "Hey Lady ..." - from Jerome
61. Whats your favorite smell?: If I told you everyone would wear it and thats just not cute.
62. Favorite Football Team: No favorite
63. Favorite cereal? Captain Crunch
64. Do you drive: Yes
65. What's the longest time you've gone without sleep? I nerver get sleep lol.
66. Last time you went bowling?: About 3 months ago
67. Where is the weirdest place you have slept?: I'd really have to think about that lol
68. Who was your last phone call?: Tiara
69.Last time you were at work?: Three hours ago.
70. Whats your favorite state to be in? NY of course - Where else?
Timeless { freed on
1:18 PM
Monday, November 06, 2006
Restoration { freed on
4:51 PM
YAY!!! I finally did it, I restored my computer (
the correct way this time) without loosing any info (
that I know of).
Thanks Christian! You came through - once again!
♥ Mystique
Sunday, November 05, 2006
{ freed on
2:29 AM
If Myspace Was Real { freed on
2:19 AM
If Myspace was real ...
You'd have a friend named Tom creepily following you around giving you bad news constantly.
At nights when you are asleep you would get people running in your room that you don't know saying. "It's 4 a.m., I can't sleep, someone talk to me."
Anytime you walk into someones house they have the same video or song playing all the time, non-stop for three months straight.
You would look your very best at all times.
There would be a lot of youthful looking 99 year olds.
Most people would walk around with a full size mirror 2 feet in front of them.
Your driver's license would have hearts around your name or quote from an emo song.
Blogs would be required reading and any random thought in your head would be shared with everyone.
People would inexplicably be stuck in their homes for hours unable to communicate with the out side world because some asshole put up a large white wall in front of every door and window with a note attached saying "Sorry but an unexpected error has occurred."
Tila Tequila would know everyone in the whole world.
19 year old boys wouldn't own shirts and 19 year old girls would not own pants.
If you're a fat girl, people would only see you from the shoulders up.
People would be able to photoshop out pimples on their face.
Girls would always be posing, cheeks sucked in and lips puckered two feet off their face.
All females are bi and all males drive import muscle cars.
The phrases "Yo," "your hawt," or "hit me back some time" would attract the opposite sex.
Everyone would make $100,000 a year or higher.
There would be alot of underage strippers in the world.
Forbidden would actually be hot.
It wouldn't be odd to have Brad Pitt in your circle of friends.
Hello Kitty would be a real person.
During a long conversation you'd have to say "Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: all right, well call me later."
When it was time for bed you would say you're "Undergoing Maintenance."
You would have to paint your walls using Thomas Myspace Editor codes in your apartment.
When someone said something funny, you'd actually roll around on the floor and laugh your fucking ass off.
"Friend Whoring" is equal to STD's.
"Fuckin MySpace!" is the only universally known term in any language to show anger.
People would run up to you, tell you a random message, and you'd have 17 minutes and 13 seconds to pass it along before a ghost came to your house to scare your dog.
Good laugh before bed. Thanks Carly!
Friday, November 03, 2006
Priceless { freed on
11:03 PM
Damn what a lucky man i am i found someone who understands
and she dont care what she gotta do to please her man
Damn she makes me wanna raise my hands shout it out
Spread the word telling everyone i can cause she's my only girl and im her only man
Damn you priceless like a rare jewel yea you perfect like a dream come true
yea girl why can't the world be a little bit
More like you yea and who saids you cant find love proper love in the ghetto
well i found it and she works it baby priceless
So priceless
Damn shopping at the mall 10 grand another 20 on her finger
and i dont give a damn cause a love like her's is priceless yea
And i know it anit never been a money thing cause she love me
even if i didnt have a thing thats the kind of girl you are
And ohhh
and she'll be
my one concern
and i'll be
the one for her
i gotta learn
cause i know just what a girl like that is worth
anit no price
Damn you priceless like a rare jewel yea you perfect like a dream
come true yea girl why cant the world be a little bit
More like you yea and who saids you cant find love proper love in
the ghetto well i found it and she works it baby priceless
So priceless
I never had anyone that i I wanted to share everything with no
'Til the day you came around i knew you was the one for me
So if its karats on your hands a place to lay your head all it take
to make you smile and im willing to pay whatever it cost
Cause girl you worth the price
Damn you priceless like a rare jewel yea you perfect like a dream
come true yea girl why cant the world be a little bit
More like you yea and who saids you cant find love proper love in
the ghetto well i found it and she works it baby priceless
So priceless so priceless so priceless you're so priceless
So priceless you're priceless like a rare jewel so priceless
so priceless you're so priceless so priceless you're
Priceless like a rare jewel so priceless so priceless so priceless
you're so priceless you're so priceless like a rare jewel
You're priceless so priceless yea yea yea so priceless so priceless so priceless
.......................................Beautiful! ♥Mystique
Quarantine { freed on
8:44 PM
I'm hungry
I think I'm going to actually finish up my myspace page as I still have one empty space on my page with nothing in it and I'm getting sick of looking at it. I asked my dear friends for suggestions and got like 2. What good they are lol.
I promise everyone around me is sick! I feel like I need to be in a bubble lol. I have nothing against you sick people and being the loving and caring individual I am I will def'ly help yall out let's just make sure I'm not sick along with you lol. I've been sick twice since I've moved from NY to FL and when I say sick that prolly doesn't even half way describe it. I felt like I Was about to die the last two times I got sick. And apparently the sickness was quite potent (
inside joke) lmao. But anyway... yeah so I'm not trying to get sick right now, I have too much to do and waaayyyy too much to take care of to be sick.
So my mom is trying to get me to cook thanksgiving dinner this year. Oh did I forget to mention by my damn self lol. Since X-Mas is about to be really big for us this year we're keeping Thanksgiving pretty small so I guess I could do it. Not really looking forward to slaving over a hot stove for hours, cause I prolly won't want to eat afterwards - I'll be knocked out on the couch with all the kids running around me lol. I think it'll be fun though - I have to put together a little menu and figure out what I'll be making.
So yeah me and Bobby Valentino are vibin' right now. He's just singing his little booty off right now and I'm loving every moment of it. His album stayed on repeat before I left NY and when I first moved down here and It's making me feel great. Putting me in a really nice mood.
"Never have I wanted
someone like this before
Now we are all alone
let me explain it more
A little romance girl, is all that's on my mind
Tonight we could fly so high
I'll do all the things you like"
WoW ... it just started thundering, that's strange for the time of year but I won't complain cause that means I'll be getting excellent sleep tonight, and I don't plan on staying up super late either.
Not Tonight.
Oh yeah another photo to add to the collection. I'm entitling this one Naturality.

Me: No make up, no nothing - just me, and the sunlight.
I heard from a certain little birdie that AVANT will be making his way to Tampa sometime soon. I can't miss his again. I went to one of his concerts a while back - Ginuwine, Joe, Jagged Edge, and my baby daddy
whether he knows it or not Avant. Boy was that place a mess lol. All the females were acting nuts and the men bold enough to call themselves taking their women to the event prolly regretted the hell out of it lol. Props to all of them who stuck it out though - cause even I was tired of all the screaming and wailing at these guys lol.
Anyway ....
Did you know they're really taking this whole internet addiction thing seriosly these days. Offering treatment that lasts a year?! WOW. I read the common symtoms and a bunch of us might really be in trouble.
1. Lying about how much time is spent online.
2. General decrease of physical activity and social life.
3. Neglecting obligations at home, work, or school to spend time online.
4. Spending too much money on computer equipment or Internet activities.
5. Feeling a constant desire to be online when they're away from the computer.
6. Going online to escape real world problems.
7. Disregarding the emotional or physical consequences of being in front of a computer all day.
8. Denial of the problem.
I thought that was highly amusing, but anyway I'm about to work on a few little avatars then it's off to bed for me.
Talk to yall laterz: I'll be on tommorow afternoon but might not be able to talk 'cause I plan on restoring my computer and have it running smooth like buttah!
Till next time ...
♥ Mystique
"Here's to the ma[e]n who recognize the