♥ expectant .
im your girl

Name: Candise P( Candi P)
Age: 20 years old
Date of Birth: Febuary15
Horoscope Sign: Aquarius
Motherhood: Mother of 1
Residence: South Florida via NY

I'm an 80's baby. Born February 15th ((Aquarius to the fullest)). For those who wonder - I am NOT mixed with any other ethnicity. Simply and beautifully African American. New York born and bread. Now residing in South Florida. Although I'm loving the fun and sun, NOTHING beats New York.

ADD me on Myspace /Yahoo

♥ Twitter Updates.
Follow Me

    follow me on Twitter
    ♥ Live life.
    like it's your last

    "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure"

    ♥ past .
    travel through time

    July 2006
    August 2006
    September 2006
    October 2006
    November 2006
    December 2006
    January 2007
    March 2007
    November 2007
    December 2007

    ♥ friends.
    set them free


    ♥ Outro.
    with love...

    Friday, December 29, 2006
    Snappin' { freed on 4:03 PM



    Thursday, December 28, 2006
    Packing { freed on 10:55 PM


    I should have been up a long time ago but of course I slept through some alarms and pressed the snooze button a few times more than I should have.
    Oh well...
    I'm up now.

    I got about 3 hours of sleep last night before waking up for work. We never ended up at the casino last night but we went to Heathers and enjoyed ourselves there.

    Anywho...I'm just now starting to pack. I'm not bringing everything 'cause I can only make one trip down south this time and I don't have all the room I had last time. Oh well, maybe that will help me get rid of some things that I'm holding onto for no reason. I need to PURGE PURGE PURGE. The one thing that's really hard is my shoes 'cause I don't like to throw away boxes, it's just neater to keep them for easy storage. Even though I do have about 5 or 6 pairs that have no home (from shopping in clearance)everyone of my shoes are in boxes and I plan to keep it that way. Well, I guess I'll figure it out.
    Enough for tonight - One box down.

    Until Tommorow♥Mysti


    Wednesday, December 27, 2006
    Hump Day Nonsense { freed on 11:14 PM

    It's about 11:30 and I'm heading out to the Hardrock Casino with some girls from work. I know damn well I'll be regreting this tommorow being I have to be back at work at 7:30am but hell - you only live once.

    I'll be sure to get pics to post!



    Tuesday, December 26, 2006
    Post Christmas Update { freed on 8:24 PM

    [The Day After 12.26.o6]

    What a Christmas. All the fam had a good time and we ate more than I could probably explain. I'm still stuffed as we speak and fighting the itis but I'm winning that battle.

    I got a new camera YaY! *same on from my wishlist*. I can get back on taking pictures. I took a bunch from dinner that I'll post sometime soon. It's bluetooth enabled, I can send pics from my phone to my camera or to my comp, etc. And my fav function so far is that it takes amazing panoramic pics. I just got it so there is an error or two but I'm still learning - this one is after only a few tries.
    Be expecting a ton load more.

    Me, 2 of my aunts, and my cousin went to see Dream Girls today. I haven't been to the movies in a while but I enjoyed myself this time. The movie I must say was amazing and I would even pay to see it again. The media was saying that Jenifer Hudson out-shined Beyonce but she also had the main role so that could be the reason. Seriously that girl has an amazing voice and this movie absolutely won't be the last we see of her.

    I signed up to IMVU. It's like a 3D instant messenger. It's pretty cool actually. I always see the ad when I'm on Myspace but I never even bothered to click it and look into it. Mrs.Carly (who was super excited about it and even said it was better than Myspace) invited her friends list and I decided to see what it was about. We'll see how deep into it I get. First things first is to get my Avatar to look like me and not some spanish chick lol.
    Get on and join me so I can earn some credits.
    IMVU - The World's Greatest 3D Chat
    Ooops did I forget to say please? *hehe*

    Ooooo there's a special on the National Geographic channel called In The Womb: Multiples I can't wait to watch it.

    Yall know how much I love kids! I just couldn't even fathom having more than one child growing inside me. And not just because I'm petite either lol. Maybe one day I'll find out *wink*

    You all need to get educated and watch: SUNDAY JANUARY 14 8P et/9P pt

    I'm heading back to Boca in a few days and I need to act like it. I haven't packed much and I really need to get on it. I have so much to look forward to down there. I actually can't wait to get classes started so they can finish lol.
    There's so much I WANT to do, and so much that NEEDs to be done. Can't wait.

    Back to work tommorow :( it was fun while it lasted. One last bit of fun before getting back on the grind and that's me, some ice cream and a DVD. I bought RENT but haven't watched it yet. I think that's what I'll watch tonight. The house is quiet, I, pretty stress free and relaxed so it's me Eerie and the DVD tonight.

    Hope everyone had a great Christmas and got home safely!


    Sunday, December 17, 2006
    Lovely! { freed on 6:35 PM

    WOW - it was such a beautiful day today!!

    81 degrees and sunny. It's the middle of freakin' December, almost Christmas and I had on a tube top, Bermuda shorts, and flip flops AMAZIN'!
    No wonder people from the south are nicer - they have nothing to complain about; the weather is gorgeous all year 'round.
    I'm sitting here now with the windows open and still I'm hot.

    Anywho ...
    The fam will be down this week. It's going to be a full house too! About 45 of us, and you know what happens when black folk get together lol. I know I'm going to be stuffing my face but it should be a ball. I'm going to try and get as many pics as possible but my camera is broken so I'm going to have to see about fixing that :(

    Just did some cleaning (ie. vacumming, washing clothes, mopping) and now I'm about to go out to dinner with my mom and I'll be back home later on.
    I'm thinking about putting up my new layout up before Christmas rather than for the New Year. What cha think?



    To The Guys[Do You Have Her?] { freed on 10:12 AM

    Great Girlfriend
    [A Word from Askmen.com]
    I must admit that playing the field is a whole lot of fun, but so is being in a serious relationship -- provided that it's with the right woman. But how do you know if she really is the right woman for you? If she possesses the following 10 traits, you better hold on to her for dear life or, before you know it, a guy who already knows where it's at will get his hands on your "goods."

    Number 10 She's independent
    No one wants a girlfriend they have to baby-sit. Once in a while, like if she's had a rough day at work, it's great to be her shoulder to cry on, but if she can't seem to function without you and is constantly after you, she will eventually make you feel like you're suffocating, which is a surefire way to get you running out the nearest exit.

    On the other hand, if she has her very own personality and opinions, can stand on her own two feet, both financially and emotionally, and is able to enjoy time away from you -- while still missing you, of course -- then she must be a great girlfriend.

    Number 9 She's intelligent
    I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the bimbo routine gets real old, real fast. A woman who can meet you at an intellectual level is a total turn-on. Instead of being the one in total control, you'll find yourself trying to figure out what she's really thinking behind those glazed eyes of hers -- or if she's actually thinking at all.

    An intelligent woman will constantly surprise you and keep you on your toes. She won't let you get bored of her. Besides, it's nice to have something to talk about between all that chandelier-hanging sex.

    Number 8 She's sexual
    While we're on the topic, a great girlfriend has to be sexually compatible with you. For instance, if you're into S&M and she's more the "fluffy lingerie" type, that's a problem. The two of you have to be on the same page -- or, at least, she has to be willing to wear leather and use a whip from time to time.

    Of course, this doesn't imply that she has to know all the right moves straight away; it simply means that you and she have an undeniable attraction towards each other, and are able to communicate your desires verbally (or with physical cues). It is important that you please each other in the bedroom, or on top of the dryer -- whatever the case may be.

    Number 7 She's beautiful
    I know, this one is kind of obvious, but important nonetheless. A great girlfriend will not only want to look good for you, but also for herself. She should always look her best and be well put together -- matching lingerie is a definite plus.

    You have to be proud to have her on your arm and enjoy the sight of her in any light. And this doesn't mean that she has to be a Heidi Klum clone. Remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so if you think her full bottom or uncontrollable curls are beautiful, you're allowed.

    Number 6 She respects you
    This is a biggie. Your woman must respect you. This means that she listens to you, even if she doesn't necessarily agree with what you're saying. And, of course, she never tries to demean or belittle you in any way, shape, or form.

    A great girlfriend won't ever cause scenes in public or in front of your friends and family, and will always wait to discuss matters with you in private. If she respects you, chances are that she will behave in a tactful and diplomatic manner in most situations, which is definitely a good thing.

    Does your woman bring you and the guys beer on poker night?

    Number 5 She lets you be a man
    Do not -- I repeat -- do not get involved with a woman who tries to get you to eat cottage cheese and fruit for breakfast and insists that you give up poker night with the guys. You will end up resenting her more than you can imagine. A good girlfriend lets you be a guy in all your glory, poker night and all. If she's a great girlfriend, she'll even bring you and your buddies a couple of beers and make you some of her famous sandwiches.

    She has to understand that men and women are different and should allow you to be yourself. Just like you wouldn't deprive her of going shopping with her best girlfriend, she shouldn't expect you to give up the guys for her.

    Number 4 She's nagless
    There is nothing worse than a nag! A great girlfriend knows this and chooses her battles wisely. She knows when to speak-up and when to let it slide. You don't want a girlfriend who will give you the heights of hell for leaving a couple of dishes in the sink occasionally.

    However, if you live together and you stay out all night without calling her, and she lets you have it, then you're setting yourself up for disaster. This is a situation that nobody would let slide -- not even a great girlfriend.

    Number 3 She gets along with friends & family
    A great girlfriend will not only help your mom in the kitchen, listen to your dad's stories, and hang out with your friends, she will enjoy it. She'll make a real effort to get to know and love the most important people in your life. And she won't try to get you to ditch your best buds.

    She'll actually empathize with your brother's getting dumped and suggest that you guys take him out to cheer him up. Not only that, but your friends won't roll their eyes and moan when you mention that she'll be joining you guys when she gets off work (yes, women like this do exist).

    Number 2 She loves you
    If you have found a woman who loves you for who you really are and not who you pretend or try to be sometimes, you should definitely hang on to her. A woman who doesn't try to change you is hard to find. Of course, everyone has their slightly annoying habits that their mate has to contend with, but if she really loves you, she will be able to cope with these.

    Another way to know if she really loves you is by observing the way she looks at you and treats you on an everyday basis. If the sight of you doesn't seem to faze her either way, and she doesn't really seem to care about what you have to say, she's either playing very hard to get, or sees you as just some guy. But if a surprise visit or phone call from you makes her light up, there's no denying that she loves you.

    Number 1 She makes you want to be a better man
    Stop making that face... Any man who has a great girlfriend or wife will tell you that she makes him want to be a better man. She doesn't have to say or do anything; it just is that way. If you suddenly feel bad about how you treated your sister or find yourself trying to get your finances in order, you might want to think about your motivation for doing so. It could be love.

    Do you already have her?
    So, if this list seems to describe your current flame, you, my friend, are styling. In fact, you are probably the envy of all of your friends, even if they tease you for losing your status as "king player."

    However, if the woman you are dating is more like the polar opposite, then I don't think that getting serious with her would be in your best interest -- but you knew that already, didn't you?

    In Addition [♥from me]
    Just like us females, you guys are so busy complaining about what females don't do, won't do, what she can't bring to the table, what she doesn't look like, and what she doesn't have that you may not realize what you DO have. Don't let real love pass you by!


    Monday, December 11, 2006
    Giggles { freed on 5:27 PM


    I'm laughing at how long my Christmas list is and how many things I saw today that I want to add to it lol.

    I'm going to take a nap and I'll write later on. Long day at work and I just want a little peace and quiet. Be back later.


    Saturday, December 09, 2006
    X-Mas List 2006 { freed on 11:40 PM

    Santa I've Been NICE this Year

    Juicy Couture
    ♥Best Friends Bracelet
    Other Random Pieces
    ♥14K Princess Cut and Baguette Diamond Ring(14k white gold - 6)
    ♥14k Diamond Bracelet (diamond bracelet set in 2-tone gold - 6)

    Victoria's Secret
    ♥Tank pajama gift set (red strip/rainbow stripe - short)
    ♥Thermal boxsie (rock black - XS)
    ♥Victoria's Secret PINK® Knit boxsie (pink & frosty/black punk stripe - XS)
    ♥Victoria's Secret PINK® Patch sweats & Patch hoodie(heather nights/ great white - XS)

    House of Dereon
    ♥Metallic Pinstriped Dress (Grey - 0)
    ♥Stretch Sateen Cargo Bomber Jacket (Caviar - S)

    Baby Phat
    ♥O-Ring Tube Dress (Pale Yellow - S)
    ♥Rinse Wash Patchwork Halter Top (Indigo - S)

    ♥Ribbed Kimono Shirt (Pirouette & Pink- S)
    ♥Tuxedo Tie Sleeve Shirt (Creme - S)
    ♥Sleek Wool Pencil Skirt (Charcoal - 0)

    BEBE Sport
    ♥Velour Fur Piped Hoodie (white - XS)
    ♥Velour Drawstring Metallic Piped Pant (white - XS)

    Guess Marciano
    ♥Fiona Rhinestone Dress (black - XS)
    ♥Atlantis Dress (teal - XS)
    ♥Zsa Zsa Skirt (teal jewel - XS)
    ♥Vita Skirt (red scarlet - XS)
    ♥ Suede Stud Corset (black - XS)
    ♥Miami Dress (black - XS)
    ♥M Medallion Shirting (white - S)
    ♥Marilyn Long Sleeve Top (tango red - XS)
    ♥Naomi Lurex Zip Up (black - XS)

    House of Dereon
    ♥Diva Tote (chocolate)

    ♥Venus Large Satchel (pewter)
    ♥Sicily Bum Bag (coal)
    ♥Venus Waist Pack (pewter)
    ♥Timeless Edition Top Zip (black)

    Juicy Couture
    ♥Lady Sarah Quilted Tote (Antique rose)
    ♥Quilted Leather Cell-Phone Case (Antique rose)

    Victoria's Secret
    ♥BRONX® Eagle stiletto boot (chocolate&gold - 6)

    House of Dereon
    ♥Ruby (Red - 6)
    ♥Honor (Brown - 6)

    ♥Oriel Strappy heels (Black - 6)

    Guess Marciano
    ♥Metallic Heeled Boot (black - 6)
    ♥Coco Tango Heel (blood red & gold - 5 1/2)

    ♥Kodak EasyShare V610 Duel Lens Digital Camera
    ♥Kodak EasyShare V570 Duel Lens Digital Camera

    MAC Cosmetics
    ♥M·A·C Couture Black Box (Size: 5.5" x 1.75" x 4")
    Mercedes Benz
    ♥2005 Mercedes C320
    ♥Gabrielle Travel Roller (mocha)
    ♥Gabrielle Travel Dome (mocha)

    I don't need it all - but something here and there is nice lol.


    Wednesday, December 06, 2006
    Snip Snip { freed on 10:20 PM

    YaY! My girl Caridee did her thing in the final episode of America's Next Top Model! I said out of the two girls left, Melrose and Caridee that it was Caridee's win no doubt. I didn't feel that Melrose had the stability to be in the spotlight and be criticized all the time. She won and I think it was well played and congrats to her.

    Anyway ...
    I'm thinking about cutting and coloring my hair. Not cutting it a lot but It's broken off alot and I need it to get back to growing. I've been doing my own hair for a while now and I haven't found a hairstylist since I've been down here. I plan on doing that once I get back down south. *yeah i'll add that to my to do list* Last time I dyed my hair no one really noticed too much and I don't want that to be the case this time. My hair is very dark so the color only showed in the sun. I used Garnier and dyed it Intense Auburn this time I figured I'd go a little more intense and go with bright auburn brown. If not I might find something else that I know will show. I don't know if I'm brave enough yet to go bright auburn blode - im kind of iffy about going that far. I'm sure I'll have pictures for yall when I'm done going hair dye crazy lol.

    whew ...
    So I'm so ready to hit Boca back up! I can't wait to get back down there and just do my thing. Get busy at school, and have some fun.
    I also want to do something nice for y bday which by the way is something like 71 days away lol. You should all mark your calendars lol. I think I know what I want to get myself. It's pretty beautiful if I might say so...

    My other choices were

    pink sapphire

    And if I had 14,000
    yellow diamond

    Anyway I'm doing some updating to my page as well as looking up some things so that's all for now.




    Location: New York/Florida, United States