Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Re.Run { freed on
8:34 PM
I hit DJ Scoobz bday bash and ended up spotted in the worst way. "Facebook" isn't that a ...
seriously though; facebook and myspace, I promise they could really get you in trouble if you aren't too careful. It's funny though, I can't lie. I'll have to do some editing and post the pic up here later on tonight.
*still laughing*So this weekend should be fun filled. As was my last.
Friday it's Whyte Noise (Las Olas) for Reggae night there. Saturday I'm going to an art exhibit for the Miami Ad School, which should be pretty interesting. Then Saturday night is supposed to be my first experience at Miami Jouvert. I was kind of skeptical about the price ($35 in advanc. $45 at the door) but I'm just learning now that it's all inclusive and includes:
1) Water-based body Paints
2) State of the art lights & sound
3) T-shirts and towels available
4) Food & all the alcohol you wantSo I guess it's not bad. Especially considering what I paid to go out last weekend.

I say supposed to for all of these 'cause we all know how quick a change of plans can occur lol.
Sunday (although I'm probably going to want to rest
those plans can't change) I'm going up to Tampa to pick up my car and attend a BBQ my parents are having. I plan on thoroughly stuffing my face.
Well, I'm going to go ahead and find something to eat 'cause I'm starving again. I did have a pretty darn good lunch though and a great sleep last night too, along with a nice nap that I'm just waking myself up from as we speak.
So I'm off....Lataz
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Swimp { freed on
3:00 PM
Damn. Spring break is about to be over. Where the hell did it go? I promise it feels like just yesterday I was excited 'cause it started.
Oh well.
I just came back inside. The day is damn near gone now. I woke up, put my bathing suit on and went outside to get my feet looking the same color as my body lol. Worked out quite nicely if I might say so myself. Now I'm all hot. Who knew while I was up in NY there were people that chilled in the sun all year round lol. It's a good 85 right now and my people up north are suffering in the snow. Sorry.
I'm hungry and trying to figure out what in the world I want to eat. I have no idea, but I have to get something soon 'cause I'm going to get cranky otherwise - I haven't eaten all day.
Tonight I'm going to Ninety9 (as usual) and afterwards DJ Scoobz bday in Ft.Lauderdale. Should be a good time.
I rented some movies last night so I think I'll eat my food and finish watching those. That sun tired me out and I know once I eat it's all over so talk to yall later!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Speacial Announcement { freed on
1:16 AM
So I've planned to add a radio blog to enhance the views, comments and enjoyment of my blog.
I plan to add some soulful mix tapes, some club banger joints, and so on.
I have plenty of playlists and plenty of songs in mind so look out in the next few weeks, possibly days for me to get things together for it.
Yay, now we can all jam to the same playlist as we do the things that we do everyday.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Unthawd Butter { freed on
12:59 PM
*Yawn, I shouldn't still be sleepy but I most certainly am. Well not really sleepy but in that weird state of not knowing whether or not to get up and get dressed or crawl back in my bed and curl up in the covers.
I'm just sitting here relaxing and surfing the net, reading all of my fav blogs and getting all the newly surfaced black entertainment gossip. YaY for gossip lol.
I really didn't have much to say but I need to stay up on this site before it dwindles away - before I have negative comments and views (cause I already have none as it is lol).
Oooohhhh I know what I wanted to talk about...
ANTM (Americas Next Top Model. A new season started and the selection of girls is pretty hot. There are 2 plus size models who work it just as well as the other girls if not better. Question is, is it just for show? I'd love to see High fashion allow some cross over models - big girls are beautiful too!
[Next] What the hell is up with the chick with the big hair from NY? Lawd what a horrible representation. She really upset me lmao.
"What is anti-fur?
If an animal is alive it's not right. But,
if an animal is dead already we can just take it's skin and make it into a coat.
Animals fight in the jungle and the forest ... right?!"WTH was she thinking?! She's not really that slow
right?@! Please tell me it was all a joke. I was so sad for New York at that very moment in time. I was almost glad she got the boot so she couldn't further embarrass my home town.
Oh and.
Prison Break. How is this really going to go? There are only 3 more episodes and everything was based on this tape. Now there's no tape = what now?! Is this the end of prison break?! I just don't see where in the world they could take this. *tear
Surfing the web and came across this ... just thought it was cute.
Thunderous Mastermind" my name according to the lovely Wu-Tang name generator. Find out your name
wu-tang nick name generator♥Mystique
Blog title inspired by play list I'm currently listening to.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Traveling Back { freed on
3:30 PM
Hey dudes... I'm sitting here cold as ice in the airport, about an hour and a half early for my flight.
Someone sitting behind me is being nosey so I thought that it'd be funny to sit here and write about her so she'd feel bad aboiut being in my business lol. I'm dead wrong --- and you all love it lol. I'm thinking about going over to the little store and grabbing the latest issue of Vibe and Vibe Vixen to read while I have all this time. Might as well brush up on all the latest black entertainment news and interviews.
I'm flying back 'cause my dad needed to do a few things to the car. He said something about 3 of the 4 rims being bent, changing the windshield wipers, and the air filter. It's all good with me - he's doing it and I won't compalin.
But anyway ...
My funky arse battery is dying fast and I'm looking for a socket so I can plug up. Maybe I'll be back before I get on the plane but I doubt it relying on the life of this comp.
Anyway just checking in.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Cruisin' { freed on
1:00 AM
So I got a new
car yesterday!
A 2001 PT Cruiser.

It's got leather and suede interior, black exterior, and I already have plans for the dash!!! My mom said she saw a plate that said "I'm not spoiled, just well taken care of" - *
hehe* I like it already!
I'm sooooo happy. Now I can really get some things done and make some moves. I'll have more pics later since the weather here in Tampa has been cold and wet :(
I'm going to register it tomorrow and hopefully it wont cost too much. Regardless it has to be done.

To make things even better I checked all the mail I received at my moms house and there was a check from my old job (
a pretty decent one too). I'll probably be saving that cash anyway but there are these shoes I've been eyeing in Aldo for quite sometime and I think I deserve them lol.
I'm supposed to be heading back to Boca on Tuesday and I might possibly might be going to South Carolina to visit my grandma as well. Other than that I just want to relax, even though I do have a paper due next Thursday; I'll have it done though. That new years resolution to end my procrastination still hasn't begun lol.
My tummy hurts a little bit but I think I'm about to get into some ice cream (
anyway). I've been an ice cream feind lately. Oh well, I like ice cream.
I'm going to indulge in my cold treats and watch a movie or two then I'm heading to bed.
Ummm [rants]
I only had 4 views on my myspace page today. What's up with that?
I finally got most of my contacts back on my phone after sitting there manually transfering them from my old phone: so appriciate it and call me lol.
(yall know I'm lying and I'm going to be up another 45 hours but it sounds good)
Looong Time { freed on
1:00 AM
Yeah I know, yall don't have to say it.
I've been straight ghost on this account.
Won't happen again.
.Promise.As you can see, a new layout is up. I thought it was about time to change it up. Plus it was a little too dark for how I've been feeling. I'm too happy for dark colors.
Yeah so most of you know my bday and valentines past just a few weeks ago. Both days were great. I couldn't ask for more.
Right now I'm up in Tampa visiting my parents for a few days. I'm sitting here tweaking the layout and getting down on some Dove chocolate (the best chocolate in the world). I'm prolly going to hit the bed soon even though that's probably going to take forever and a day since I slept for like 3 hours. I was up last night doing laundry until about 4am and had a 10:45am flight. No sleep. Sux.
But I will have time to write and update you all more tommorow before mom gets off work and we go chill.
Till then. Enjoy.